The US dollar remains the most traded currency in the world in 2022, with a share of over 87% in daily forex transactions.

The Euro is the second most traded currency, with a share of around 32% in forex transactions.

The Japanese yen is the third most traded currency, accounting for approximately 17% of daily forex trades.

The British pound Sterling is the fourth most traded currency, with a share of about 13% in forex transactions.

The Swiss franc is the fifth most traded currency, with a share of around 6.8% in forex trades.

 The Canadian dollar is the sixth most traded currency, accounting for approximately 5% of daily forex trades.

The Australian dollar is the seventh most traded currency, with a share of about 4.5% in forex transactions.

The Australian dollar is the seventh most traded currency, with a share of about 4.5% in forex transactions.

The Hong Kong dollar is the ninth most traded currency, accounting for approximately 2.4% of daily forex trades.

The New Zealand dollar is the tenth most traded currency, with a share of about 2.1% in forex transactions.