Leafcutter ants are known for their impressive farming skills. They cut and carry leaves to their underground gardens, where they grow a fungus that serves as their food source.

Termites are another type of insect that farms fungus. They cultivate it in their mounds using a complex system of ventilation and moisture control.

Ambrosia beetles grow a type of fungus inside the wood they burrow into, which they then use as food. The fungus helps break down the wood and provides nutrition for the beetles.

 Bees are important pollinators, but some species also engage in agriculture. Stingless bees cultivate fungus in their nests, while honeybees collect and store pollen and nectar.

Prairie dogs are known for their complex social systems, and part of their society includes farming. They cultivate grasses around their burrows to provide a reliable food source.

Humans aren't the only animals that farm crops. Crows have been observed planting and harvesting peanuts in a study conducted by scientists in Japan.

Damselfish cultivate algae on the coral reefs they inhabit. They aggressively defend their farming territory and even remove competing algae to ensure their crop's success.

Sloth moths lay their eggs in sloth fur, where their larvae feed on algae growing there. The moths carefully maintain the algae garden to provide food for their young.

Weaver ants use a unique form of agriculture. They cultivate a type of fungus on the surface of their nests, which they then feed to their larvae.

Dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia, have been observed carrying sea sponges on their beaks, which they use to forage for food. Researchers believe this behavior is a form of animal agriculture.